Reuben Sandwich

Mountains of savoury spiced pastrami with layers of corned beef, paired with the zing of juicy pickles and the sour, tangy flavour of Sauerkraut. All held snugly between a layer of cheese and two buttered, toasted slices of bread.



  • 4 Slices Rye Bread
  • 1/2 Can Corn Beef
  • 200g Pastrami
  • 4 Slices Swiss Cheese
  • 100g Sauerkraut
  • 6 Slices Pickles
  • 20g Butter (Soft)


  • 30ml Mayonnaise
  • 20g Sour Cream
  • 30ml Ketchup
  • 10g Horse Radish Mustard
  • 10ml Worcestershire Sauce
  • 10ml Pickle Juice
  • 5ml Tabasco
  1. Spread the butter generously on both sides of the bread
  2. Lay one slice of swiss cheese on both sides of the bread
  3. Spread a layer of Russian dressing on one side of the bread
  4. Lay the corn beef, pastrami, sauerkraut and pickles on the russian dressing
  5. Top with the dressed side of bread
  6. Heat up a non stick pan, place sandwich in the pan, cover with lid
  7. Cook gently over low medium heat until golden brown, then flip over about 4mins
  8. Sandwich is ready when both sides are cripsy, golden brown and cheese has melted